

1515 East University Avenue
Lafayette LA 70501

Phone: 337-291-8500

DIRECTOR:  Warren Abadie

Environmental Quality Division 
Environmental Outreach and Education

Contact the Environmental Quality Division to schedule anything below Phone: (337) 291-8529 or email:

What you can do "hands-on"

Highway Litter Clean Up

Adopt-a-Road – Any type of group can select a stretch of road, anywhere within Lafayette Parish, and keep it litter free by cleaning it several times a year. All supplies are provided to accomplish your mission of transforming Lafayette Parish into a cleaner community. Numerous groups have signed up and Lafayette Parish is cleaner for their efforts.


Storm Drain Marker
Storm Drain Marking Program – Any type of group can label storm drain catch basins, which alerts the public not to dump any waste into the drains. Materials for the project such as the label in the illustration or stencils and paint are provided to participants. Several hundred storm drains have been marked, but many more await your group, as you do your part to keep Lafayette Parish’s waterways clean.

Annual “Trash Bash” – Every spring, hundreds of volunteers – groups of all sorts and individuals – head out to some of the more littered roads and waterways in Lafayette Parish to pick up unsightly litter. In 2004, 290 volunteers collected 10 tons of litter. Seems like a lot, but more participants translates into a cleaner Lafayette Parish. Call and sign up today and take pride in Lafayette.

Educational Presentations

Environmental Educational Presentations

The Environmental Quality Division offers environmental presentations for students of all ages in the classroom, as well as civic groups, scout groups, or church groups. Any organization desiring to increase their knowledge and understanding of the topics listed below should call to schedule a presentation:

  • Recycling
  • Litter reduction
  • Local water quality & pollution prevention

View the Environmental Presentations Flyer

 Educational Tours

Recycling Foundation – See how the recycling industry truly operates. Learn the facts about where your milk jugs, beer bottles, and soup cans go once they leave Lafayette to be “re-made” into another product. Fine-tune and upgrade your recycling knowledge by scheduling a tour of the facility in Baton Rouge.

Compost Facility – Observe how tree branches, grass clippings, and other “green waste” is turned into a desirable, totally useful, nutrient-rich soil additive instead of going into a landfill and just “sitting there,” taking up valuable landfill space. Composting results in substantial savings for Lafayette’s residents on their garbage bills . . . . then they benefit twice by coming to get the end product, compost, free of charge. Waste reduction through composting is good for your wallet and for the environment. Learn more by signing up for a tour of the facility at 400 Dugas Road.


Closed Landfill – The “N. Dugas Landfill” in north Lafayette Parish operated from 1980 until 1988. Now it’s closed and is being restored to a natural Cajun prairie using native grasses, plants, and trees. See the natural beauty and learn how something that was once a waste site is now an asset to the Lafayette community.
Closed Landfill