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- A vacancy exists on the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board for a four-year term effective 03-01-2025. Applicants must be a minority as defined by La. R.S. 38:2233.2. This is a joint appointment by both the Lafayette City Council and the Lafayette Parish Council.
- A vacancy exists on the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District North Board for a five year effective 01-01-2022. Applicants must reside within the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District North boundaries.
- A vacancy exists on the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District South Board for the remainder of an unexpired five year term thru 10-31-2026. Applicants must reside within the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District South boundaries.
- A vacancy exists on the Transportation Policy Committee (the governing board for the Metropolitan Planning Organization) effective immediately. Applicants must be either 1) local elected officials, 2) officials of public agencies that administer or operate major modes of transportation in the metropolitan area, including representation by providers of public transportation, or 3) state officials.
Individuals wishing to submit a resume for the above volunteer vacancies must be a registered voter and a resident of Lafayette Parish. Yearly ethics training for all appointees is required as is financial disclosure under certain circumstances. Resumes are to be forwarded to Veronica L. Arceneaux, Clerk of the Council, P.O. Box 4017 C, Lafayette, LA 70502 or emailed to no later than noon, Tuesday, March 25, 2025 with appointment(s) to be made at the Tuesday, April 8, 2025 Regular Meeting of the Lafayette Parish Council. Resume submissions are public record.
- A vacancy exists on the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board for a four-year term effective 03-01-2025. Applicants must be a minority as defined by La. R.S. 38:2233.2. This is a joint appointment by both the Lafayette City Council and the Lafayette Parish Council.
- A vacancy exists on the Board of Zoning Adjustment for a three-year term effective 02-01-2025. This is an alternate appointment. Applicants must reside in the City of Lafayette and own property in the Parish of Lafayette.
- A vacancy will exist on the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District North Board for a five-year term effective 06-01-2025. Applicants must reside within the Lafayette Parish Waterworks District North boundaries.
- Six (6) vacancies exist on the Transportation Policy Committee (the governing board for the Metropolitan Planning Organization) effective immediately. Applicants must be either 1) local elected officials, 2) officials of public agencies that administer or operate major modes of transportation in the metropolitan area, including representation by providers of public transportation, or 3) state officials.
Individuals wishing to submit a resume for the above volunteer vacancies must be a registered voter and a resident of Lafayette Parish. Yearly ethics training for all appointees is required as is financial disclosure under certain circumstances. Resumes are to be forwarded to Veronica L. Arceneaux, Clerk of the Council, P.O. Box 4017 C, Lafayette, LA 70502 or emailed to no later than noon, Tuesday, March 25, 2025 with appointment(s) to be made at the Tuesday, April 8, 2025 Regular Meeting of the Lafayette City Council. Resume submissions are public record.
Alarm Review Board
Function: Conducts formal hearings regarding appeals relating to the assessment of fines or warning notices; affirms, reverses, or modifies the assessment of any fine, the rendering of any warning notice and/or adverse determination made to the appellant. The decision of the board will be final as to administrative remedies within the Lafayette Consolidated Government.
Board of Zoning Adjustments (BOZA)
Function: To hear and decide appeals where it is alleged that there is error in any order, requirement, decision or determination made by any administrative official in the enforcement of the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Lafayette.
CAJUNDOME Commission
Function: Full authority to operate the CAJUNDOME; all matters relating to CAJUNDOME are submitted to the Commission.
City-Parish Recreation Advisory Commission
Function: To give advice and assistance for the management of the Recreation and Parks program in the City and Parish; shall be attentive to the needs of all the neighborhood programs
and/or organizations.
Civil Service Board
Function: To approve the position classification plan; review and submit to the council for approval a salary plan; approve civil service rules; conduct investigations and take action on complaints by or
against any employee in the classified service; hold hearings on dismissals, demotions and other disciplinary matters; etc.
Downtown Development Authority (DDA)
Function: To formulate the program to implement the various development plans for downtown Lafayette, shall implement the various plans with the responsibility of aiding and coordinating
public development.
Downtown Management Committee
Function: To issue any and all standards and regulations concerning permitted activities, and shall designate locations for pushcarts and Parklets in the Downtown area.
Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board
Function: Responsible for meeting and voting to recommend or deny the application for a Certificate of Necessity after consideration is given to all the criteria.
Evangeline Thruway Redevelopment Team
Function: To create and monitor the implementation of their strategic plan by LCG staff and modify its components in order to improve its efficiency; and advise the Lafayette City-Parish
Council on expenditure of local funds.
Fire and Police Civil Service Board
Function: To represent the public interest in matter of personnel administration in the fire and police services.
Heymann Performing Arts Center &. Frem F. Boustany Convention Center Advisory Commission
Function: To advise the City-Parish Government regarding the operation and maintenance of the center; to make recommendations to the
Manager of the Center in the formation of programs which the Commission considers beneficial to the operation and maintenance of the Center.
Industrial Development Board
Function: To promote, stimulate, develop, and advance the business prosperity and economic welfare of the Parish of Lafayette.
Keep Lafayette Beautiful Committee
Function: To engage individuals to take greater responsibility for improving their community environment.
Lafayette Advisory Commission on Crime Prevention
Function: An investigative and research organization which stimulates and encourages significant and innovative crime prevention projects involving community action and utilizing
community resources.
Lafayette Airport Commission
Function: To have full power and authority to administer the Lafayette Airport in all respects and generally to do everything necessary for the progressive and efficient operation of the Lafayette
Lafayette Animal Care Center Advisory Board
Function: Acts in an advisory capacity to the City-Parish Government and to the Animal Control Center concerning the conduct of animal control operation in Lafayette.
Lafayette Convention and Visitors Commission (LCVC)
Function: To promote the City and Parish of Lafayette for purposes of conventions and tourism; to encourage the development of tourist attractions in the Lafayette area.
Lafayette Economic Development Authority (LEDA)
Function: To perform the functions of an economic and industrial development agency and may engage in those projects and activities it deems appropriate to encourage and assist
economic growth and development.
Lafayette Mayor-President’s Awareness Committee on Citizens with Disabilities
Function: To develop and channel information regarding disabled persons to the citizens of the community, to work with all aspects of community
life so that persons with disabilities will realize the rights and responsibilities afforded to all citizens and receive recommendations, requests and citizen complaints regarding problems affecting the disabled.
Lafayette North Redevelopment Authority
Function: To redevelop, revitalize and renew North Lafayette. To prevent and eliminate slum, blighted and distressed properties.
Lafayette Parish Bayou Vermilion District (BVD)
Function: To improve the water quality and beautification of Bayou Vermilion; promote the bayou as a recreational and cultural asset; create and control viable economic development
adjacent to Bayou Vermilion in order to provide a diversified economic base.
Lafayette Parish Library Board of Control
Function: Establishes rules and regulations for its own government and that of the library and/or its branches. Elects and employs assistant librarians and other employees.
Lafayette Parish Waterworks District North
Function: The Board has absolute control and authority over the waterworks in the district and shall adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper conduct and operations of a
waterworks system in the district.
Lafayette Parish Waterworks District South
Function: The Board has absolute control and authority over the waterworks in the district and shall adopt by-laws, rules and regulations for the proper conduct and operations of a
waterworks system in the district.
Lafayette Historic Preservation Commission
Function: To aid in the preservation and protection of buildings, sites, monuments, structures and areas of historic interest or importance, through their protection, maintenance and development, to establish and improve property values; and to foster the economic development of the areas affected.
Lafayette Public Trust Finance Authority (LPTFA)
Function: Trustees shall make and adopt by-laws for the orderly administration and regulation of the affairs of the Trust; employs clerical, professional, legal and technical
assistance as they may deem necessary to properly operate the business of the Trust.
Lafayette Science Museum Board
Function: To advise the Consolidated Government concerning the Lafayette Natural History Museum, Planetarium and the Nature Station. The Commission may make recommendations concerning the Museum
and Planetarium and the Commission shall carry out such other functions and duties as may be assigned to it from time to time by the Consolidated Government.
Lafayette Trust Innovation Alliance
Function: Trustees shall make and adopt by-laws for the orderly administration and regulation of the affairs of the Public Trust for the Parish of Lafayette.
Planning and Zoning Commission
Function: The Commission shall be composed of a parish planning commission in that portion of the Parish outside of the City of Lafayette and a city planning and zoning commission for the City
of Lafayette.
Teche-Vermilion Freshwater District
Function: To establish, maintain and protect a fresh water supply in Bayou Teche and Vermilion River.
Transportation Policy Committee
Function: Serves as the principal policy decision-making body of the Lafayette Metropolitan Area and provides guidance for the development, coordination and implementation of a multi-model transportation
system serving the metropolitan area.
Citizens interested in serving on a board or commission are encouraged to submit a résumé, indicating the board or commission of interest, by mail, fax or email:
Office of the Council
P.O. Box 4017-C
Lafayette, LA 70502
Phone: 337.291.8800
Fax: 325.291.8822
Citizens may also contact the Council staff to find out which boards may interest them at 337.291.8800.
Other Information:
- Awareness Committee for Citizens with Disabilities
- Board of Zoning Adjustment (BOZA)
- Lafayette Commission on the Needs of Women
- Lafayette Preservation Commission
- Planning & Zoning Commission