LCG Links
900 East University Avenue
Lafayette LA 70502
Contact: Public Information Officer
Phone: 337-291-8600
The Lafayette Police Department prides itself on remaining transparent to the citizens it serves. The Public information Section serves as the liaison between the Department and the public to promote positive public relations and is responsible for disseminating information to the public and media sources when public safety becomes an issue and upon request. This information is released freely and without delay to assure that accurate information is presented to the public in a timely manner. Request for information should be presented to the Public Information Officer by phone or email.
For public records request email,
The Public Information Section is also responsible for assisting Neighborhood Watch Programs within the City of Lafayette. The Public Information Officers becomes a resource for these watch programs to assist them in dealing with any quality of life issues. It is important to the Lafayette Police Department to maintain and grow the trust with the citizens. It is only through the cooperation between the citizens and police that a noticeable effect on crime ridden areas is curbed. Anyone interested in forming a Neighborhood Watch Program can contact the Public Information Officer at the information below.
The Lafayette Police Department also offers a “Ride-Along Program” to the citizens of Lafayette. Citizens are afforded the opportunity to ride with police officers on patrol and observe the professionalism of the Lafayette Police Department first hand. Interested persons should be 20 years of age or older and be able to pass a background check. Anyone interested can contact the Public Information Officer for an appointment at 337-291-8617.
The Lafayette Police Department realizes the importance of making positive impressions on the youth of our community. Small groups can tour the Lafayette Police Department by contacting the Public Information Officer during normal working hours.
Sergeant Robin Green
Public Information Officer
Lafayette Police Department
900 East University Avenue
Lafayette, LA 70502
Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
337-291-8617 or