LCG Links
Doing Business with Lafayette Consolidated Government
Doing business with local government can mean different things to different people. Lafayette Consolidated Government does business with local and national businesses and with individuals. This page attempts to navigate you to the appropriate department or division based on your business needs.
Applying for business permits
Business permits span across departments and divisions of Lafayette Consolidated Government. Whether you are applying for a certificate of occupancy or a bar card or something in between, you can find the permit instructions on our page here.
Business resources
Lafayette Consolidated Government and Lafayette Parish have several resources to assist local businesses
- Business licenses are not required by Lafayette Consolidated Government. However, businesses are required to have a Certificate of Occupancy. The Certificate of Occupancy can be obtained at Planning, Zoning and Development Offices. The application is found here.
- The Secretary of State’s office also has a helpful page for doing business in Louisiana ( This webpage will assist clients on how to start a business in the State of Louisiana. The site includes a business license checklist, and clients can file business documents and search Louisiana business databases.
Contracts with Lafayette Consolidated Government
Lafayette Consolidated Government has streamlined the procurement process. You can find information on this page about how to become eligible to bid on contracts with Lafayette Consolidated Government.
- LCG supplier portal link is Businesses can register to become vendors of LCG on this webpage. On the page, you can browse past and present contracts and RFPs bid out by LCG. Bid results are also available on this webpage.