Dec 8, 2023, 11:33 AM by User Not Found
LASR is now live. The Lafayette Area Special Residents (LASR) is a registration app accessible to Lafayette Parish First Responders.


Lafayette, LA – LASR is now live. The Lafayette Area Special Residents (LASR) is a registration app accessible to Lafayette Parish First Responders. The app was created to assist First Responders in interacting with and in some cases identifying Special Needs Residences in Lafayette. The app provides these responders with specific information on Special Needs Residents so that they can have information on potential triggers as well as calming methods that may be effective in an interaction with citizens. It also provides identifying information to assist First Responders with identifying non-verbal or a lost citizen so that contact can be made with a care-giver. Any guardian of special needs can access the registry application to input information on their person with special needs here.