Lafayette City View

Planning & Rezoning

705 W. University Avenue
Lafayette LA 70506

Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 337-291-7358

MANAGER: Cathie Gilbert


A Comprehensive Plan, PlanLafayette, is a long-range plan or “guidebook” for a community’s growth, development and redevelopment. It is a vision for the future that plans for a twenty year time period, based on local conditions, values and aspirations. It is called comprehensive because it coordinates the efforts of many different aspects of a community, such as land use, transportation, and economic development.

One of the most important purposes of a Comprehensive Plan is to formally identify the elements that create a thriving, attractive community: one that offers viable options to its residents regarding where and how they want to live, work, and play. For this reason, public input was essential to developing a successful plan. A plan gathered ideas from the Lafayette community, while the process provided a forum for residents to talk and work together to solve shared problems.

PlanLafayette 2035 was adopted by the Lafayette City-Parish Planning Commission on June 10, 2014. The Lafayette City-Parish Council endorsed PlanLafayette by resolution on Tuesday, July 1, 2014.

The Lafayette Comprehensive Plan is a parish-wide initiative to develop a vision and action plan for Lafayette 2035. The plan coordinates many aspects of the community including land use, transportation, public utilities, environmental, and historic resources. The planning process occurred in three phases: project kickoff, setting a vision and plan framework, and developing the plan document. In the early stages, the consultant team collected information, conducted interviews, and listened to the community’s concerns and ideas.  

The plan is a living document that will always be amended to reflect changes in the community. A major amendment is to occur every five years. Staff has prepared Annual Reports to the Planning Commission to keep the commission up to date on implementation. These reports are found below:

PlanLafayette link

Appendix B: Downtown Action Plan

Appendix C: Implementation Matrix Update 2021

PlanLafayette Amendments 2021